Open Student Projects

How To Apply

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In order to apply write an email to laehner [at] with at least the following information:

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Available Projects

Currently available spots: 2

All projects related to deep learning need to be implemented in PyTorch.

Analysis of Autoencoder Latent Spaces

Summary: Survey, implement and compare existing autoencoder architectures for point clouds, voxel grids and triangle meshes.

Suitable for: Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis

Requirements: Python, passed our Deep Learning lecture (exception for Bachelor students)

Analysis of Functional Maps framework using different basis sets

Summary: Survey, implement and compare the behavior of functional maps when replacing the default Laplace-Beltrami eigenbasis with different sets of basis functions.

Suitable for: Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis

Requirements: Matlab or Python experience

Related Reading: Functional Maps: A Flexible Representation of Maps Between Shapes, Ovsjanikov et al., 2012 Hybrid Functional Maps for Crease-Aware Non-Isometric Shape Matching, Bastian et al., 2023