Zorah Lähner - Personal Homepage

I am an assistant professor (tenure track) and head of the “Geometry in Machine Learning” group at the University of Bonn, and part of the Chair for Visual Computing and the Lamarr Institute. I received my PhD from the Technical University of Munich and was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Siegen. I am interested in how geometric properties can be used to form effective priors and guide optimization processes in geometric deep learning and 3D computer vision applications. For example, choosing a different representation can make a huge difference in the capabilities and efficiency of geometric data, particualarly in non-Euclidean domains.

Check out my open positions if you are interested in working on Shape Analysis or Geometric Deep Learning with me!


  • 01.01.2024: I started an assistant professor position at the University of Bonn!
  • 30.10.2023: We have one main conference paper (Kissing to find a Match: Efficient Low-Rank Permutation Representation) and one workshop paper (On the Direct Alignment of Latent Spaces) accepted to NeuRIPS! Looking forward to going to NeuRIPS for the first time.
  • 26.08.2023: We have one paper (SIGMA: Scale-Invariant Global Sparse Shape Matching) accepted to ICCV!
  • 26.05.2023: I got the research prize of our faculty this year!
  • 21.03.2023: My DFG Project ‘Robust Spectral Non-Rigid Shape Correspondences’ was funded!